Goat Milk

Rockin’ H Farm now has fresh, delicious raw goats’ milk available!


Goats’ milk is more easily digestible, naturally homogenized, and higher in calcium, vitamin A, and other important vitamins than cows’ milk. It’s also guaranteed not to have any chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics. Just fresh raw, delicious milk!

Our breed of goats, Lamanchas, produce a mild milk that makes it easy to transition from cow’s milk to goat’s milk, with no potent flavor difference.

Hand-milked straight from our Lamancha ladies, this milk is only strained and then refrigerated to maintain the most flavor and nutrition possible.

Our goats are fed a Georgia local feed specially formulated for does in milk and supplemented with delicious treats like alfalfa pellets, black oil sunflower seeds, calf manna, and beet pulp. This, as well as unlimited access to a 2 acre pasture of mixed grasses, makes for happy, healthy goats that produce a decadent milk that is wonderful for drinking and cooking. With a butterfat content around 3.9%, this milk is also great for making delicious cheeses, ice creams, and yogurts, as well as beautiful nourishing soaps.

$10/ gallon.

*Labeled for pet consumption. $1.75 jar deposit for first purchase if jars are returned each time.